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Memories of Autumn

Immagine - Temple of Venus and Cupid

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A select collection of views and ruins in Roma, and its vicinity.
Recently executed from drawings made upon the spot., London, [1798?]


The theme is autumn, understood as a season significant for the celebration of popular rites and festivals in the past, as well as meaning the end of an epoch, that of the grandiose antiquities of Rome, as observed and illustrated over the centuries in the extensive area of the city and its surrounding countryside.
The exhibition Memorie d’autunno: libri e stampe di interesse demoetnoantropologico nella Biblioteca della Provincia di Roma (Memories of autumn: books and prints of demographic, ethnological and anthropological interest in the Library of the Province of Rome), held during the 12th edition of the European Heritage Days, displayed selected works including engravings bound in volumes, loose prints, old books and modern publications regarding the traditional usages and customs in Rome and its province. The October Festival and the Grape Festival, with the historic locations and popular traditions are rediscovered through the eyes of scholars, travellers, artists and engravers from the 17th to the 20th century.


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