
Accurata e succinta descrizione topografica delle antichità di Roma [...], vignetta calcografica dal frontespizio

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Accurata e succinta descrizione topografica delle antichità di Roma dell'abate Ridolfino Venuti cortonese ... - Edizione seconda accresciuta […] - In Roma: presso Pietro Paolo Montagnani-Mirabili, 1803


The Library, in the context of the “Polo Regione Lazio - Enti associati” network, is a member of the SBN (National Library Service). The service is designed for searching the catalogues of the participating Italian libraries, foreign catalogues, and the historic and specialized catalogues. The libraries are grouped in networks. The Library’s resources can be searched through three websites, corresponding to the different search levels in the OPACs (On-line Public Access Catalogue):


Rome Provincial Library OPAC 


Opac Polo Regione Lazio- Enti associati
research on the bibliographic heritage of all the libraries forming part of the regional hub
Opac SBN - Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale
 research on the resources of all the Italian libraries forming part of the SBN (National Library Service)


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