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Indices of Rassegna del Lazio

Indici di Rassegna del Lazio

Image from:
Rassegna del Lazio: rivista dell’Amministrazione provinciale di Roma,
anno XI, n. 10-12, ottobre-dicembre 1964
On 23 June 1952, the first provincial elections of the post-war era were held, following the redefinition of rules regarding the elections and the functioning and jurisdiction of the branches of the provincial administration. Two years later, the Province of Rome decided it was necessary to start up a periodical called “Rassegna del Lazio”, as an instrument of communication, in order to provide the public with information, news and reports on its activities.
From 1954 and until 1975, the “Rassegna del Lazio” was the official periodical of the provincial administration, and accompanied the institution for 22 years, reflecting the trends, interest, activities and critical issues. It thus provides a highly significant testimony of the history of the institution and on the debates at that time.
The Library has undertaken a study on the review and presented the publication of the indexes (Indici di Rassegna del Lazio. Rivista dell’Amministrazione provinciale di Roma, 1954-1975) to celebrate the 135th anniversary of the Province of Rome (2006).
The hope is to provide a useful tool for the study of the history of the Province of Rome; the titles of the articles in the review have been inserted in the on-line library catalogue, and can be consulted by author and title.
Photo gallery: 

Galleria fotografica: 
Rassegna del Lazio, coperta del fasciolo n.1, gennaio 1954
Rassegna del Lazio, coperta del fascicolo n. 1-3, 1963
Rassegna del Lazio, coperta del fascicolo n. 9-10, 1967
Rassegna del Lazio, coperta del fascicolo, novembre 1972
Rassegna del Lazio Attualità, coperta del fascicolo, novembre 1972
Rassegna del Lazio, coperta del fascicolo, ottobre 1975


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